






性   别













z[email protected]







2018年-现在,自然资源部第二海洋研究所,二级研究员 岗位;

2014年-现在,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所,海底科学实验室 副主任;










1) 国家自然科学基金(重点项目),41830540,台湾浅滩沙波体系的形成演化、成因机制及地貌效应,2019/01-2024/12

2) 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),41476049,珠江口伶仃洋地貌与动力百年演变及对人类活动的响应研究,2015/012018/12 

3) 科技部基础性工作专项(重点项目),2013FY112900,中国海海洋地质系列图编研,2013/05-2018/05 

4) 国家科技支撑计划课题,2014BAB14B00,全海深多波束测深系统工程化研究(后处理软件),2015/01-2017/12

5) 国家海洋公益专项(重点项目),201105001,珠江口、台湾浅滩地形变化监测管理保障系统,2011/012017/5 



1) 2019年,入选国家百千万人才工程并被授予有突出贡献中青年专家荣誉称号;

2) 2016年,中华人民共和国国务院, 科学技术进步奖, 国家级二等奖:中国海大陆架划界关键技术研究及应用,  排名第四

3) 2018年,中国海洋学会,海洋科学技术奖 一等奖:浅海复杂地形大面积高效探测关键技术与应用,排名第一

4) 2016年, 浙江省科技厅,浙江省知识产权局, 首届浙江省专利奖 金奖:一种基于多来源水深数据融合的海底地形地貌构建方法, 排名第一

5) 2012年,中国海洋工程咨询协会, 海洋工程科学技术奖 一等奖:多波束海底地形勘测关键技术研究与应用,  排名第二

6) 2011年,中国测绘学会, 测绘科技进步奖 二等奖:精密多波束质量控制体系与数据处理关键技术研发及应用, 排名第一



1) 吴自银, 阳凡林, 李守军, . 高分辨率海底地形地貌——探测处理理论与技术, 科学出版社, 50万字, 2017

2) 吴自银, 阳凡林, 罗孝文 等. 高分辨率海底地形地貌——可视计算与科学应用, 科学出版社, 55.7万字, 2017

3) 吴自银 等,海洋行业标准浅层剖面调查技术要求,中国标准出版社,2019

4) 吴自银 等,海洋团体标准:多波束调查技术要求,海洋出版社,2019

5) 吴自银 等,海洋团体标准:单波束调查技术要求,海洋出版社,2019



1) Zhang K., Li Q., Zhu H., Yang F., and Wu Z.*, Acoustic deep-sea seaoor characterization accounting for heterogeneity effect, IEEE TGRS,2019

2) Liu, Y., Wu, Z.*, Zhao, D.,et al. Construction of High-Resolution bathymetric dataset for the Mariana Trench.,IEEE Access,2019

3) Wang D., Luo X., Wang J., Gao J., Zhang T., Wu, Z., & Wu, Z., Global ionospheric model accuracy analysis using shipborne kinematic GPS data in the Arctic circle. Remote Sensing, 2019,11(17), 2062

4) Yin S., Lin L., Pope E. L., Li J., Ding W., Wu Z.*, & Zhao D., Continental slope-confined canyons in the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea dominated by erosion, 2004–2018. Geomorphology, 2019, 344, 60-74

5) Luo X., Qin X., Wu Z.*, et al.,Sediment classification of small-size seabed acoustic images using convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access,2019

6) Yin S., Li J.*, Ding W., Sawyer D. E., Wu Z., & Tang Y. (2018). Sedimentary filling characteristics of the South China Sea oceanic basin, with links to tectonic activity during and after seafloor spreading. International Geology Review, 1-21

7) Wu Z.*, Milliman J. D.*, Zhao D., et al. Geomorphologic changes in the lower Pearl River Delta, 1850–2015, largely due to human activity, Geomorphology, 2018

8) Wang M.,Wu Z.*,Yang F.,et al., Multifeature Extraction and Seafloor Classification Combining LiDAR and MBES Data around Yuanzhi Island in the South China Sea. Sensors, 2018, 18, 3828

9) Zhou J., Wu Z.*, Jin X., et al., Observations and analysis of giant sand wave fields on the Taiwan Banks, northern South China Sea. Marine Geology, 2018,406, 132-141

10) Huo G., Wu Z.*, Li J., et al. Underwater target detection and 3D reconstruction system based on binocular vision. Sensors, 2018,18(10), 3570

11) Wu Z.*, Jin X, Zhou J, et al., Comparison of buried sand ridges and regressive sand ridges on the outer shelf of the East China Sea, Marine Geophysical Research, 2017, 38(2): 187-198

12) Wu Z.*, Li J, Li S, et al. A new method to identify the foot of continental slope based on an integrated profile analysis, Marine Geophysical Research, 2017, 38(1): 199-207

13) Wu Z.*, Saito Y., Zhao D., et al. Impact of human activities on subaqueous topographic change in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River estuary, China, during 1955–2013, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(37742)

14) Zhao D.,Wu Z.*,Zhou J.,et al., A new method of sound velocity profile automatic optimization based on MOV algorithm, Marine Geodesy, 2015,38(3): 225-240

15) Wu Z.*, John D. Milliman, Zhao D., et al., Recent geomorphic change in LingDing Bay, China, in response to economic and urban growth on the Pearl River Delta, Southern China, Global and Planetary Change, 2014, 123: 1-12

16) Wu Z.*, Li J., Jin X., et al., Distribution, features, and influence factors of the submarine topographic boundaries of the Okinawa Trough, Science China Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(8): 1885-1896

17) Wu Z.*,Li J.,Jin X.,et al., Methods andprocedures to determinethe outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200nautical miles , Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013,32(12), 126-132

18) Li J.,Ding W.,Wu Z.,Zhang J., The propagation of seafloor spreading in the southwestern subbasin,South China Sea, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012,57(24), 3182-3191

19) Wu Z.*, Jin X., Cao Z., et al. Distribution, formation and evolution of sand ridges on the East China Sea shelf , Science in China - Series D: Earth Sciences, 2010, 53(1): 101-112.

20) Yang F., Li J., Wu Z., et al., A post-processing method for the removal of refraction artifacts in multibeam bathymetry data. Marine Geodesy, 2007 30(3), 235-247

21) Wu Z.*,Chu F.,Ma W., et al.,Resources calculation of cobalt-rich crusts with the grid subdivision and integral method. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2007,26(5), 43-53.

22) Wu Z.*, Jin X., Li J., et al. Linear sand ridges on the outer shelf of the East China Sea, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(51): 2517-2528 .

23) Li J., Jin X., Ruan A., Wu S., Wu Z., & Liu J.,Indentation tectonics in the accretionary wedge of middle Manila Trench. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004,49(12), 1279-1288.



1) Wu Z., Li S., Shang J., et al, Submarine topography construction method based on multi-source water depth data integration, 2016/6/7, United States, US.9361728B2.

2) Wu Z., Li S., Shang J., et al, Submarine topography six-dimensional grid mapping method, 2016/4/19, United States, US.9316763B2.

3) Wu Z.Li J.Li S.et al, Automatic recognition method of continental slope foot point based on terrain grid, 2016/11/29, United States, US.9507052B2.

4) Wu Z.Shang J.Li S.et al., Multi-beam bathymetric chart construction method based on submarine digital depth model feature extraction, US. 9651698B2.

5) 吴自银,李家彪,李守军,等, 一种基于地形网格的大陆坡脚点自动识别方法, 2012/11/28, 中国知识产权局授权, ZL.201210504124.4.