
马 跃副教授






电子邮箱:[email protected]

2004.09~2008.06 武汉理工大学,电子信息科学与技术,理学学士

2008.09~2013.12 武汉大学,空间探测与信息处理技术,理学博士,导师李松教授

2014.02~2016.04 山东科技大学,测绘科学与技术博士后,导师卢秀山教授

2016.05~2019.06 武汉大学,测绘科学与技术博士后,导师刘经南院士

2017.12~2019.11 University of New South Wales,博士后,导师王小华、葛林林教授

2019.07~至今 武汉大学,电子信息学院,副教授,硕士生导师

2019.11~2021.11 University of New South Wales,高级客座研究员

2020.01~至今山东科技大学,星际娱乐场 ,副教授,硕士生导师



1. 2015-2017利用激光测高卫星回波脉冲宽度反演海洋表面风速的研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助(No. 2015M572064),5万元

2. 2016-2018格陵兰以北海域卫星激光测高的回波模型与地物分类,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(No. 41506210),23万元

3. 2016-2017XXXX卫星激光测高仪几何检校关键技术研究,对地高分率观测系统国家科技重大专项"高分遥感测绘应用示范系统(一期)"课题(No.AH1601-8),110万元

4.2016-2018 基于波形匹配的卫星激光测高仪系统误差在轨标定方法,中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(No. 2016M600612),8万元

5. 2017-2019卫星激光雷达数据在海岸带区域的应用反演,中国博士后基金会国际交流计划派出项目(No. 20170034),30万元

6. 2017-2019基于回波特征参数的地形地物高程反演技术,对地高分辨率观测系统国家科技重大专项"GF-7卫星激光数据处理及特征参数提取技术"子课题(No. 11-Y20A12-9001-17/18),70万元

7. 2019-2020激光定标规划子系统软件包,高分专项(民用部分)地面处理系统定标检校分系统第二批研制项目(No.GXTC-1907001),中国资源卫星应用中心项目,279.5万元

8. 2019-2020星载单光子激光雷达系统误差的在轨标定技术研究,地理信息工程国家重点实验室开放基金主要课题(No. SKLGIE2018-Z-3-1),10万元

9. 2020-2021XXXX飞行试验靶标布设及控制点测量,中国科学院光电研究院57万元

10. 2020-2021XXXX飞行试验遥感载荷数据几何处理技术,中国科学院光电研究院42万元

11. 2020-2021 基于星载单光子激光雷达的高程控制点获取方法研究,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(No.2020T130481),18万元

12. 2021-2022 XXXX卫星精度验证地面探测器,自然资源部国土卫星遥感应用中心(No.WKZB2111BJC300886),175万元



1. 2016-2017年测绘科学技术学科发展报告,中国科学技术出版社,2018年(专家组成员,参编)

2. 2018-2019年测绘科学技术学科发展报告,中国科学技术出版社,2020年(专家组成员,参编)


1. Zhu Tianhao, Zhou Hui*,Ma Yue*, Li Song, Chen Yuwei. A Synthetic Algorithm on the Skew Normal Decomposition for Satellite Lidar Waveforms.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2022, 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3149752.IF5.600

2. Xu Nan,Ma Yue*, Yang Jian, Wang Xiao Hua, Wang Yongjun, Xu Rui. Deriving Tidal Flat Topography Using ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry and Sentinel-2 Imagery.Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(2), e2021GL096813.IF4.720

3. Xu Nan, Zheng Huiying,Ma Yue*, Yang Jian, Liu Xinyuan, Wang Xiao Hua. Globalestimation and assessment of monthly lake/reservoir water level changes using ICESat-2 ATL13 products.RemoteSensing, 2021,13, 2744.IF4.848

4. Zhang Zhiyu, Liu Xinyuan,Ma Yue*, Xu Nan, Zhang Wenhao, Li Song. Signal photon extraction method for weak beam data of ICESat-2 using information provided by strong beam data in mountainous areas.Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(5), 863.IF4.848

5. Zhang Wenhao, Xu Nan,Ma Yue*, Yang Bisheng*, Zhang Zhiyu, Wang Xiao Hua, Li Song, A maximum bathymetric depth model to simulate satellite photon-counting lidar performance.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2021, 174, 182-197.IF8.979

6. Xu Nan,Ma Yue*,Zhang Wenhao, Wang Xiao Hua, Yang Fanlin, Su Dianpeng. Monitoringannual changes of lake water levels and volumes over 1984–2018 using Landsat imagery and ICESat-2 data,Remote Sensing, 2020,12(23), 4004.SCI/EIIF4.848

7.Ma Yue, Xu Nan, Liu Zhen*, Yang Bisheng*, Yang Fanlin, Wang Xiao Hua,Li Song. Satellite-derived bathymetry using the ICESat-2 lidar and Sentinel-2 imagery datasets,Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020,250, 112047.IF10.164

8. Xu Nan,Ma Yue*, Zhou Hui, Zhang Wenhao, Zhang Zhiyu, Wang Xiao Hua. A method to derive bathymetry for dynamic water bodies using ICESat-2 and GSWD datasets,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2022,19, 1500305.IF3.966

9. Xu Nan,Ma Yue*, Zhang Wenhao, Wang Xiao Hua. Surface-water-level changes during 2003-2019 in Australia revealed by ICESat/ICESat-2 altimetry and Landsat imagery,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2021, 18(7), 1129-1133.IF3.966

10. Zhang Zhiyu, Xu Nan,Ma Yue*, Liu Xinyuan, Zhang Wenhao, Li Song. Land and snow-covered area classification method based on the background noise for satellite photon-counting laser altimeters,OpticsExpress, 2020, 28(11): 16030-16044.IF3.894

11. Su Dianpeng, Yang Fanlin*,Ma Yue*, Wang Xiao Hua, Wang Xiankun, Qi Chao. Propagateduncertainty models arising from device,environment, and target for a small laser spot airborne LiDAR bathymetry and its verification in the South China Sea,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2020,58(5): 3213-3231.IF5.600

12. Zhang Zhiyu,Ma Yue*, Xu Nan, Li Song, Sun Jinyan, Wang Xiao Hua.Theoretical background noise rate over water surface for a photon-counting lidar andits application in landand sea cover classification,OpticsExpress, 2019, 27(20): A1490-A1505.IF3.894

13.Ma Yue, Xu Nan*, Sun Jinyan, Wang Xiao Hua,YangFanlin,Li Song. Estimating water levels and volumes of lakes dated back tothe 1980s using Landsat imagery and photon-counting lidar datasets,Remote Sensing of Environment,2019, 232, 111287.IF10.164

14. Li Song, Zhang Zhiyu,Ma Yue*, Zeng Haomin, Zhao Pufan, and Zhang Wenhao. Ranging performance models based on negative-binomial (NB) distribution for photon-counting lidars,OpticsExpress, 2019, 27(12): A861-A877.IF3.894

15.Ma Yue*, Liu Rui, Li Song, Zhang Wenhao,Yang Fanlin,and Su Dianpeng.Detecting the ocean surface from the raw data of the MABEL photon-counting lidar,OpticsExpress, 2018, 26(19),24752-24762.IF3.894

16. Su Dianpeng, Yang Fanlin*,Ma Yue*, Zhang Kai, Huang Jue, Wang Mingwei. Classification of coral reefs in the South China Sea by combining airborne LiDAR bathymetry bottom waveforms and topographic features,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019,57(2): 815-828.IF5.600

17.Ma Yue, Li Song*, Zhang Wenhao, Zhang Zhiyu, Liu Rui, and Wang Xiao Hua.Theoretical ranging performance model and range walk error correction for photon-counting lidars with multiple detectors,OpticsExpress, 2018, 26(12), 15924-15934.SCI/EI IF3.894

18. Yang Fanlin,Su Dianpeng,Ma Yue*,Feng Chengkai, Yang Anxiu, Wang Mingwei. Refraction correction of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on sea surface profile and ray tracing.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017,55(11): 6141-6149.IF5.600

19.Ma Yue, Zhang Wenhao, Sun Jinyan, Li Guoyuan, Wang Xiao Hua, Li Song, Xu Nan*, Photon-counting lidar: an adaptive signal detection method for different land cover types in coastal areas,Remote Sensing, 2019,11(4), 471.IF4.848

20. Yang Fanlin,Bu Xianhai,MaYue*, Lu Xiushan, Wang Mingwei, Shi Bo. Geometric calibrationof multibeam bathymetric data using an improved sound velocity modelandlaser tie points for BoMMS.Ocean Engineering, 2017, 145: 230-236.IF3.795

21.Ma Yue, Xu Nan*, Zhang Wenhao, Wang Xiao Hua, Sun Jinyan, Feng Xuejiao, Sun Yu, Increasing water levels of global lakes between 2003 and 2009,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2020, 17(2), 187-191.IF3.966

22.Ma Yue, Li Song, Wu Yu, Liu Rui, Wang Xiao Hua, Ma Xin*,Method for determining the footprint center of a satellite laser altimeter based on marked waveforms by CCRs.Applied Optics, 2018, 57(30), 8928-8935.IF 1.980

23. Li Song, Zhang Wenhao,MaYue*,Wang Xiao Hua,Yang Fanlin,Su Dianpeng. Theoretical surface type classifier based on a waveform model of a satellite laser altimeter and its performance in the north of Greenland.Applied Optics, 2018, 57(10), 2482-2489.IF 1.980

24.Ma Yue, Li Song, Zhang Wenhao, Zhang Zhiyu, Zhou Hui, Ma Xin*.Waveform width of a satellite laser altimeter illuminating on sea surface.Applied Optics, 2017,56(22), 6130-6137.IF 1.980

25.MaYue,Zhang Wenhao, Li Song*, Cui Tingwei, Li Guoyuan, Yang Fanlin. A new wind speed retrieval method for an ocean surface using the waveform width of a laser altimeter.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017,43(4): 309-317.IF 2.000

26.MaYue,Li Song*, Lu Xiushan, Yi Hong, Zhou Hui, Cui Tingwei.The weight matrix determination of systematic bias calibration for a laser altimeter.Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,2016, 82(11): 847-852.IF 1.083

27.MaYue*,Wang Mingwei, Li Guoyuan, Lu Xiushan, Yang Fanlin.Waveform model of a laser altimeterfor an elliptical Gaussian beam.Applied Optics, 2016, 55(8): 3567-3574.IF 1.980

28. Lu Xiushan, Feng Chengkai,Ma Yue*,Yang Fanlin, Shi Bo, Su Dianpeng.Calibration method ofrotationand displacement systematic errors for ship-borne mobilesurveying systems.Survey Review,2019,51(364), 78-86.IF1.745

1.马跃,李松,阳凡林, 杨冬清,刘洪霞.星载激光测高系统固体地表目标平面和高程精度检测方法,发明专利,ZL201410181514.1 (已授权).

2. 李松,马跃, 周辉, 郑国兴, 葛兵. 基于星载激光测高仪回波的海洋表面风、浪特性反演方法, 发明专利, ZL201210259963.4 (已授权).

3. 李松,马跃, 周辉, 田昕, 杨晋陵, 高俊玲, 黄科, 张智宇, 张文豪, 余诗哲. 一种单光子激光雷达多探测器条件下的测距精度评估方法,发明专利, ZL201810254599.X (已授权).

4. 李松,马跃,余峰, 周辉, 田昕, 杨晋陵, 易洪, 基于无源目标的星载激光测高仪足印定位方法, 发明专利, ZL201810190721.1 (已授权).

5.马跃,李松,周辉,田昕,马昕, 张文豪, 伍煜, 余诗哲, 曾昊旻.星载激光测高仪指向角误差为非常数时的在轨标定方法,发明专利,ZL201811593102.3 (已授权).

6.马跃,李松,周辉,田昕,谢晓园, 马昕, 伍煜, 赵朴凡.星载激光测高仪指向角系统误差在轨标定精度的评估方法,发明专利,ZL201910281093.2 (已授权).