1. Wenjian LI, Zhenyan WANG*, Haijun HUANG. Seasonal and intra-seasonal variations of surface hydrological parameters over North Yellow Sea and its implications for applicability of quasi-synchronous ship-based multi-station hydrological investigation data. Journal of Sea Research.
2. 龙小志,王珍岩*.台风“灿鸿”对长江口外海域悬浮体分布的影响.海洋与湖沼. 2022. Vol.53(6):1322-1337.
3. WEN Chunlong, WANG Zhenyan*, WANG Jing, LI Hongchun, SHI Xingyu, GAO Wei, HUANG Haijun. Major controls on the variability of coastal upwelling off South Java and their impact on local fishery resources. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2022. (DOI:10.1007/s00343-022-2031-3)
4. Wei Gao, Zhen-Yan Wang*, Rong-Hua Zhang*, Hai-Jun Huang. Variability of the Mindanao Dome upwelling system during ENSO event from 2010 to 2015. Deep-Sea Research Part I. 2022. (//doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103875)
5. Wang Zhenyan*, Shi Xingyu, Huang Haijun. Observation of physical oceanography at the Y3 seamount (Yap Arc) in winter 2014. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2022. 40(4):1314-1332.
6. Gao Wei, Wang Zhenyan*, Huang Haijun. Variations of the eco-hydro-climatic environments response to the 2015/2016 super El Niño event in the Mindanao Dome upwelling system. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2022, 21(1):69-80.
7. Wenjian Li, Zhenyan Wang*, Guan-hong Lee, Steven Miguel Figueroa, Haijun Huang. Spatial variation of and the factors influencing the floc size distribution in the North Yellow Sea during the winter season. Marine Geology. 2021.
8. 赵玉喜,王珍岩*.春季长江冲淡水在口门外海域逐月变化及其影响因素分析.海洋科学. 2021. 45(10): 81-92.
9. WANG Qing, WANG Zhenyan*, LIU Kai, CUI Quanchao, SHI Xingyu. Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of a ferromanganese crust from CM6 Seamount of the Caroline Ridge in the Western Pacific. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2021. 39(5):1605-1621.
10. SHI Xingyu, WANG Zhenyan*, HUANG Haijun. Physical oceanography of the Caroline M4 seamount in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean in summer 2017. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2021. 39(5): 1634-1650.
11. Wei Gao, Zhenyan Wang*, Xuegang Li, Haijun Huang. The increased storage of suspended particulate matter in the upper water of the tropical Western Pacifi c during the 2015/2016 super El Niño event. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2021, 39(5):1675-1689.
12. 刘凯,王珍岩*.西太平洋Kocebu海山铁锰结壳稀土元素地球化学特征研究.海洋地质与第四纪地质. 2021, 41(1): 210-222.
13. Zhenyan Wang*, Wenjian Li, Kainan Zhang, Y.C. Agrawal, Haijun Huang. Observations of the distribution and flocculation of suspended particulate matter in the North Yellow Sea cold water mass. Continental Shelf Research, 2020.
14. 侯晓帆,王珍岩*,李文建,刘凯,王青.西太平洋卡罗琳洋脊CM4海山铁锰结壳矿物学和地球化学特征.海洋与湖沼. 2020,51(5):1118-1126.
15. 李文建,王珍岩*,黄海军.夏季南黄海悬浮体粒度分布及其影响因素.海洋地质与第四纪地质. 2020, 40(6):49-60.
16. Wenjian Li, Zhenyan Wang*, Haijun Huang. Indication of size distribution of suspended particulate matter for sediment transport in the South Yellow Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2020.
17. 李文建,王珍岩*,黄海军.基于原位激光粒度仪(LISST)的悬浮体平均粒径计算方法对比研究.海洋科学. 2020, 44(5):24-33.
18. Wenjian Li, Zhenyan Wang*, Haijun Huang. Relationship between the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and the distribution and composition of suspended particulate matter in summer and autumn seasons. Journal of Sea Research. 2019.
19. 雷栋,王珍岩*,李文建.夏季东海陆架不同水团对悬浮体物质组成及粒度分布的影响.海洋与湖沼. 2019,50(4):740-751.
20. 刘琳,王珍岩*.山东半岛沿岸海域悬浮体时空分布及形成机制分析.海洋科学. 2019,43(10),55-65.
21. ZHANG Kainan, WANG Zhenyan*, LI Wenjian, YAN Jun. Properties of coarse particles in suspended particulate matter of the North Yellow Sea during summer. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2019, 37(1):79-92.
22. 王珍岩*,张洪格,高微.冬季西太平洋雅浦海山(Y3)区次表层叶绿素最大值层分布及其对悬浮体粒度的影响.海洋与湖沼. 2017, Vol.48(6), p. 1404-1414.
23. Wei Gao, Zhenyan Wang*, Kainan Zhang. Controlling effects of mesoscale eddies on thermohaline structure and in situ chlorophyll distribution in the western North Pacific. Journal of Marine Systems, 2017, 175:24-35.
24. 张凯南,王珍岩*,李文建,刘长华,阎军.夏季北黄海不同性质悬浮体分布特征及其控制因素分析.海洋科学. 2017,41(10):86-93.
25. 要津,王珍岩*,春季长江口外上升流的月际变化——以123°E断面为例.海洋科学. 2017,41(10):1-9.