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2017.09~至今 山东科技大学 讲师/学术副教授

2014.10~2016.10 卢森堡大学 地球物理学联合培养博士

2012.09~2017.03 同济大学 大地测量学与测量工程博士

2009.09~2012.03 同济大学 大地测量学与测量工程硕士

2005.09~2009.06 山东科技大学 测绘工程学士





[1] 主持国家自然科学青年基金“融合多源数据的质量负载形变特性研究及其对地壳形变影响分析”(项目编号:41904011)

[2] 主持山东省自然科学青年基金“多系统GNSS坐标序列时空误差联合估计研究”(项目编号:ZR2019QD003)

[3] 主持山东省自然科学面上基金“日尺度时变重力场识别和监测洪水事件的关键问题研究”(项目编号:ZR2024MD092)

[1] 2019.09 第十一届全国高等学校大学生测绘科技论文竞赛一等奖 (指导教师)

[2] 2023.08 全国高等学校测绘学科教学创新与育才能力大赛-青年教师讲课竞赛 二等奖

[3] 2024.08 全国大学生测绘学科创新创业智能大赛-测绘技能大赛(虚拟仿真数字测图比赛专业组)二等奖(指导教师)

代表性论文1,Weiwei Li*, Jing Guo. Extraction of periodic signals in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) vertical coordinate time series using the adaptive ensemble empirical modal decomposition method, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2024 (SCI检索)

代表性论文2,Weiwei Li*, Kun Wang, Xiaonan Li. Spatial and temporal analysis of daily terrestrial water storage anomalies in China, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica ,2024 (SCI检索)

代表性论文3,Weiwei Li*, Chunlei Li. Retrieval of tropospheric delays from multi-GNSS observations in the polar region: effect factors and performance, Measurement Science and Technology, 2023 (SCI检索)

代表性论文4,Feng Zhou, XinYun Cao, Yulong Ge, Weiwei Li*. Assessment of the positioning performance and tropospheric delay retrieval with precise point positioning using products from different analysis centers, GPS Solutions, 2020 (SCI检索)

代表性论文5,Weiwei Li*. Data Adaptive Analysis on Vertical Surface Deformation Derived from Daily ITSG-Grace2018 Model, Sensors, 2020 (SCI检索)

代表性论文6,Weiwei Li, Yunzhong Shen*. The Consideration of Formal Errors in Spatiotemporal Filtering Using Principal Component Analysis for Regional GNSS Position Time Series, Remote Sensing, 2018 (SCI检索)

代表性论文7,Yunzhong Shen*, Weiwei Li, Guochang Xu, Bofeng Li. Spatiotemporal filtering of regional GNSS network's position time series with missing data using principal component analysis, Journal of Geodesy, 2014 (SCI检索)

代表性论文8, Weiwei Li, Yunzhong Shen*, Bofeng Li. Weighted spatiotemporal filtering using principal component analysis for analyzing regional GNSS position time series, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica , 2015 (SCI检索)

代表性论文9, Weiwei Li*, Tonie van Dam, Zhao Li, Yunzhong Shen. Annual variation detected by GPS, GRACE and loading models, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2016 (SCI检索)

代表性论文10, 李伟伟, 沈云中*. GNSS站坐标序列的速度和振幅变化探测与分析, 同济大学学报, 2014 (EI检索)