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2011-09 至 2015-06,曲阜师范大学,土地资源管理,学士

2015-09 至 2018-06,东北农业大学,土地资源管理,硕士

2018-09 至 2022-12,南京大学,地理学,博士

2023-03 至 今,山东科技大学, 测绘与空间信息学院,讲师

2024-01 至 今,中国科学院东北地理与生态农业研究所,博士后







代表性论文1,Xiaokang Zhang, Zhaoying Zhang, et al. Influences of fractional vegetation cover on the spatial variability of canopy SIF from unmanned aerial vehicle observations, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2022, 107: 102712

代表性论文2,Xiaokang Zhang, Huanjun Liu, et al. Allocate soil individuals to soil classes with topsoil spectral characteristics and decision trees, Geoderma, 2018, 320(6): 12-22

代表性论文3,Zhaoying Zhang1, Xiaokang Zhang1, et al. Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence is more strongly related to photosynthesis with hemispherical than nadir measurements: Evidence from field observations and model simulations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 279: 113118-113118

代表性论文4,Xiaokang Zhang, Feng Qiu, et al. Acquisitions and applications of forest canopy hyperspectral imageries at hotspot and multiview angle using unmanned aerial vehicle platform, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2020, 14(2): 16

代表性论文5,Qian Zhang1, Xiaokang Zhang1, et al. Comparison of BiHemispherical and Hemispherical-Conical Configurations for In Situ Measurements of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(22): 2642

代表性论文6,Shengnan Yu, Xiaokang Zhang, Jiaguo Qi. An iterative and subsequent proximation method to map historical crop information with satellite images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 221: 108967.

代表性论文7,Linsheng Wu, Xiaokang Zhang, et al. Physiological dynamics dominate the response of canopy far-red solar-induced fluorescence to herbicide treatment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 323: 109063-109063

代表性论文8,Haoxuan Yang, Xiaokang Zhang, et al. Hyper-temporal remote sensing data in bare soil period and terrain attributes for digital soil mapping in the Black soil regions of China. Catena, 2020, 184: 104259.

代表性论文9,Xiang Wang, Xiaokang Zhang, et al. The minimum level for soil allocation using topsoil reflectance spectra: Genus or species? Catena, 2019, 174: 36-47.

代表性论文10,Shengnan Yu, Xiaokang Zhang, et al. Detecting and assessing nondominant farmland area with long-term MODIS time series images. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(15): 2441.

专利1,张永光, 张乾, 吴霖升, 张小康, 金时超, 吴云飞. 农作物生理和结构表型参数多任务并行的自动观测方法, 2021-8-31, 中国, ZL202111012242.9

专利2,李振海, 许晓斌, 周丽丽, 朱红春, 魏诗哲, 许冀斌, 张小康. 一种省域尺度的冬小麦籽粒蛋白质含量预测方法, 2024-3-15, 中国, ZL202311800546.0

专利3,李振海, 王士俊, 范承志, 王建国, 张小康. 一种适用于作物全生育时期的遥感估产方法, 2023-10-24, 中国, ZL202310876336.3